Real Change
Christ changes people and places. We are committed to working and praying for deep spiritual transformation in our own lives and in the life of our city. This kind of transformation is rooted in the gospel and is the foundation of any and all transformation at any other level. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed...” (Romans 12:1)
The gospel changes us from “one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18) into the likeness of Christ himself by the power of Holy Spirit. Throughout the Bible, wherever the gospel was spread, people were transformed. Transformation is both a one-time event (In Christ, we receive a new heart; we’re transferred from death to life, reconciled to God, forgiven of our sins and are “new creations”) and a process (In Christ, we progressively mature as God graciously works in us by the power of Holy Spirt. Over time, we learn to put away our sin, living new lives of obedience through all the seasons of life and various circumstances of suffering and temptation.)
At Red Tree, our longing is not merely for people to hear and believe the gospel. Rather, our desire is to see peoples’ lives changed by the gospel. Gospel transformation brings about true freedom as opposed to the deadening moralism, legalism, relativism, and other “gospels” of our present day that offer empty promises and promote trusting in one’s own performance, righteousness and strength.
This deep “gospel transformation” occurs in the context of becoming sobered to our brokenness and aware of God’s holiness. When this happens, we will treasure more and more the person and work of Jesus Christ and will live in daily dependence upon Holy Spirit. For this reason, our worship and ministries are designed for people to regularly and repetitively hear and share the gospel.
When people are transformed, the places where they live are transformed because the gospel spreads and continues on its powerful path of rescuing people from the grip of evil, shame and unbelief.
Our personal transformation, and the transformation of the places we live, will not be complete until Jesus returns. When he returns, we will fully and finally be delivered from the destructive presence of sin, chaos and evil. We, and all creation, will be perfected forever (the biblical term for this is “glorified”). We are hopeful you will join with us to experience the real change that God brings about in and through us, by grace.
What does this mean for Red Tree? We are:
Covenant children-minded (not concerned only for “my age and stage” but investing in the next generation in order to see our children really changed into passionate followers of Christ)
Campus-facing (not critical of the next generation of world changers but intentional to equip students to go into their field to be real change-agents for Christ’s kingdom)
City-loving (not cynical toward the needs of our city but active to display social compassion for the sake of real change)
Commissioned to bring the gospel to every corner of the world (not concerned only for our city and country but contributing to the work of advancing God’s kingdom for the sake of real change throughout the nations)
Courageous apologetics and evangelism (not cowardly but confident of God’s power to really change hearts through the truth of the gospel)
Constant Prayer (not content to rely on our own resources or strategies to bring about real change)